【Hitoshinaya】📍Haneda Airport
This is the place to go for breakfast at Haneda!
A machiya-style restaurant that combines three restaurants in one: "Asa Gohan", "Juwari Soba", and "Hana Chirashi". ❤️🔥
This time, we ordered the chazuke set👍.
Eight different small bowls of chazuke were served in a neat arrangement, and the broth was poured from a kettle.
Everything was delicious and gently seasoned.
Breakfast while watching the lean workings of the restaurant is pleasant and a good start to the trip. ☺️
I decided to eat here every time I travel in Japan 😋.
📍 東京都大田区羽田空港3-3-2 第1旅客ターミナル 2F 北ウィング
⏰ ・あさごはん5:30~20:00(L.O.19:30)
#羽田グルメ #東京グルメ
#羽田空港グルメ #羽田空港グルメ部
#羽田朝ごはん #羽田和食 #空港グルメ
#空港ご飯 #空港飯
#airport #hanedaairport
#japantrip #japantravel
#tokyotrip #tokyotravel
#japanese #japanesefood
#ひとしなや #ひとしなやあさごはん
#hitoshinaya #羽田空港✈️
#foodistagram #うましかて
【ひとしなや】📍羽田空港 羽田の朝ごはんはここで決まり!! 「あさごはん」「十割そば」「華ちらし」の3店舗を1つにした町屋風のお店❤️🔥 今回は茶漬け膳を注文👍 手際よく盛り付けられた小鉢は8種、やかんから出汁を注ぐタイプのお茶漬け。 全てが美味しく、優しい味付け。 無駄のない働きぶりをみながら食べる朝食は心地良く、旅のスタートにふさわしい☺️ 国内旅行の時は毎回ここで食べようと思いました😋 【Hitoshinaya】📍Haneda Airport This is the place to go for breakfast at Haneda! A machiya-style restaurant that combines three restaurants in one: "Asa Gohan", "Juwari Soba", and "Hana Chirashi". ❤️🔥 This time, we ordered the chazuke set👍. Eight different small bowls of chazuke were served in a neat arrangement, and the broth was poured from a kettle. Everything was delicious and gently seasoned. Breakfast while watching the lean workings of the restaurant is pleasant and a good start to the trip. ☺️ I decided to eat here every time I travel in Japan 😋. -------------------------------------- 🚃羽田空港第一第二ターミナル 📍 東京都大田区羽田空港3-3-2 第1旅客ターミナル 2F 北ウィング 💰¥1,000-¥1,999 ⏰ ・あさごはん5:30~20:00(L.O.19:30) ・どんぶり/らーめん10:30~19:30(L.O.19:00) -------------------------------------- #羽田グルメ #東京グルメ #羽田空港グルメ #羽田空港グルメ部 #羽田朝ごはん #羽田和食 #空港グルメ #空港ご飯 #空港飯 #airport #hanedaairport #hanedagroumet#haneda #japantrip #japantravel #tokyotrip #tokyotravel #japanese #japanesefood #ひとしなや #ひとしなやあさごはん #hitoshinaya #羽田空港✈️ #foodistagram #うましかて