【りょうり屋 恩の時】甲府 /【Ryouri-ya Onnnoji】Kohu
This restaurant is at Kohu-Yamanashi area, has so many foods of this neighborhood.
Tasutaage is kind of Karaage in Japan, is made of Shingen-Dori(chicken of this area), it was so juicy and good taste.
And if you go to Japanese restaurant, I think I know is this restaurant good or not, I judge Dashinaki-Tamago (japanese-egg omelette).
And this one was sooooo good, which is why this restaurant is fantastic!!!
Check it out!
#信玄鷄 #甲府ディナー #theloserfam
【りょうり屋 恩の時】甲府 /【Ryouri-ya Onnnoji】Kohu 山梨甲州の地鶏-信玄鷄-を使った竜田揚げ。 もちろん揚げ方も上手いが噛めば噛むほど鷄の味を深く感じる。 甲州牛の炭火焼きは甘みと肉肉しさがあり◎ 割烹料理屋さんのだし巻き卵はそのお店の特徴を表すと勝手に思っています。 ここのだし巻きは割り箸で押すと出汁がぶわーっと溢れ出し、個人的に大好み。 ランチメニューのハヤシライスも出していただき、最後の〆にぴったりな一品。 This restaurant is at Kohu-Yamanashi area, has so many foods of this neighborhood. Tasutaage is kind of Karaage in Japan, is made of Shingen-Dori(chicken of this area), it was so juicy and good taste. And if you go to Japanese restaurant, I think I know is this restaurant good or not, I judge Dashinaki-Tamago (japanese-egg omelette). And this one was sooooo good, which is why this restaurant is fantastic!!! Check it out! 📍山梨県甲府丸の内1-8-9 📞055-269-8487 #信玄鷄 #甲府ディナー #theloserfam